- Awarded a 2025 Better Scientific Software Fellowship
- A Year of e-Biking Safely
- DASCH Data Services Now Expose Colorterms
- All In on Pixi
- Preview Access to DASCH DR7 Now Available
- Systems Leverage
- A Year of Blogging Dangerously
- Elastic HPC Mini-Services
- On-The-Fly DASCH Cutouts in the Cloud
- Presenting at ADASS 2024
- Adventures in the HCO Logbooks
- Sign Up for the New DASCH Email List (Maybe)
- Layered Metadata: Output Diffs
- Layered Deployment Metadata
- rubbl_casatables 0.8
- Addendum: Seven-Figure Scientific Software Projects
- Seven-Figure Scientific Software Projects
- Mitigating “Source Splitting” in DASCH
- What TeX Gets Right
- LaTeX Can Be The New LaTeX
- Reprocessing DASCH’s Astrometry
- The Software Citation Station (Wagg & Broekgaarden 2024)
- Software Indexing and Discoverability
- Envisioning the Thingiverse
- The Small Web and Science
- DASCH Data are Now Queryable In VO Tools
- A Modest Proposal for How to Do Digital Conference “Posters”
- A Tool and Workflow for Radio Astronomical “Peeling”
- The xz Backdoor and Release Automation
- DASCH Scanning is Complete — What’s Next?
- Beta-Testing DASCH “DRnext”
- Digital Documents have APIs
- Sneak Peek: daschlab
- Digital Documents are Web Applications
- A Fun Python API Pattern for Filtering
- Imaging an Extrasolar Radiation Belt
- A Scheme for Organizing HPC Jobs
- Really Fast Websites
- Requiem for a Library
- Slides From My AAS243 DASCH Presentation
- A New Design for Interactive Data Visualization in JupyterLab
- Attending AAS243
- Launching the Refreshed DASCH Website
- Launching a Newsletter, A Little Reluctantly
- Seeking Tectonic Co-Maintainers
- Aside: The Camberville E-Bike Lending Library
- Upwelling
- The Divio Documentation System (AKA Diátaxis)
- The Wind Speed on a Brown Dwarf
- Sneak Peek: DASCH Website Refresh
- A New Tutorial for WWT Developers
- Creating Interactive Figures with the New AAS Timeseries Tool
- Fast synchrotron calculations with neural networks: neurosynchro
- Operation Innovation
- Introducing stund
- ngVLA Science Whitepapers
- A Brief Review of Radio Emission from Ultracool Dwarfs
- (Belatedly) Introducing Tectonic
- Website Refresh
- GW170817
- Software in your CV
- “Variable and polarized radio emission from the T6 brown dwarf WISEP J112254.73+255021.5”
- Code, Copyright, and Licenses: The Bare Minimum You Should Know
- FRB 150418, Redux
- On the origin of FRB 150418
- “The First Millimeter Detection of a Non-Accreting Ultracool Dwarf”
- A Brief Note on Geoff Marcy
- “The Rotation Period and Magnetic Field of the T Dwarf 2MASSI J1047539+212423”
- “Extragalactic Transients in the Era of Wide-Field Radio Surveys”
- Extreme magnetic activity in NLTT 33370 AB
- “A Laboratory Introduction to git”
- The Bandpass of the MEarth Observatory
- scipy.stats Cheat Sheet
- Elementary Gaussian Processes in Python
- Announcing: worklog-tools, for automating tedious CV activities
- Trends in ultracool dwarf magnetism: Papers I and II
- Flashy interactive graphics in a scientific talk, realized
- Slides for scientific talks in HTML
- Prosser & Grankin, CfA Preprint 4539: A Bibliographic Story
- Fixing erroneous “Insufficient storage available” errors on Android
- Numbered reverse-chronological CV listings with BibTeX
- Bayesian Blocks Analysis in Python
- Typing Greek Letters Easily on Linux
- Propagating Uncertainties: The Lazy and Absurd Way
- My New Snoozing Technique is Unstoppable
- Reference: Running Chandra cscview on Fedora Linux
- How to Increase App Space with a Partitioned SD Card on an HTC Nexus One Running Android 2.3.6 on Linux
- Silence is Golden
- Reference: Modern pyGTK+ stack on RHEL 5
- Barycentric Julian Dates in Python
- Extracting PDF Figures as PDFs in Linux
- Finishing Up at Berkeley
- A Short Bibliography of Structure Functions
- Poisson Distribution Confidence Intervals in Scipy
- Reference: Improving focus=1903 Cyg X-3 LSS imaging
- Quick Note on Compiling CASA
- Reference: Gaussian Modeling with MIRIAD maths
- Multimedia Abstraction
- Imaging Algorithms vs. Perfect Data
- Reference: How To Root an HTC Nexus One Running Android 2.3.6 on Linux
- Reference: Control-arrow keys in screen, SSH, etc.
- Reference: Converting bitmaps to EPS efficiently
- A Fancier Galactic Center Map
- Short Styling Commands in LaTeX
- Reference: Deleting wireless network connections in Fedora 16
- Reference: The Ultimate Resolved Source Cheatsheet
- Reference: SMA MIRIAD merge
- Reference: MIRIAD and Fortran 90
- Introducing: yahapj
- The Galactic Center, as seen by the ATA
- Reference: Converting PDF Directly to EPS
- Reference: Replacing Mozilla Prism for Site-Specific Browsing on Linux
- Gridded Visibility Weights
- One Piece of the Puzzle: w-Projection
- Hour-Angle Dependence in ATA Imaging
- Reference: LaTeX, hyperref, and “Command \url already defined.”
- Reference: Configuring a NetworkManager Wireless Connection without Graphics
- Reference: What to Do If Fedora 15 Locks Up on Login
- HTML Articles that Are Actually Decent
- Reference: Non-Linux Cheat Sheet
- Peer Production and Science
- On Working From Home
- How to Run a Research Group
- Reference: CSS image too tall for its text
- Whiteboard Videos
- Fun With Unicode
- CiteULike
- Reference: PostScript to PNG Conversion
- Study Break
- Study Break
- Qual: Study Plan
- Qual: Graduation Timeline
- Qual Reference: Transient Rate Measurements
- Qual: Previous Work
- Don Backer, 1943 – 2010
- Qual Reference: Radio Transient Surveys
- Qual: Feasibility Conclusions
- Qual: Feasibility Legwork
- Figure of the Day: The Nature of Computing Power Increases
- Qual: Scientific Merit
- Public Talk, July 14
- Qual Planning: Timeline
- Too Many Scientists, Revisited
- “Read past end of mask file” Notes
- Scintillation Notes
- “Does the U.S. Produce Too Many Scientists?”
- Decadal Review Tea-Leaf-Reading
- A Nice Null Result
- For Twitter or for Worse
- Broadband Spectra Paper Out!
- The Python Standard Libraries: Not Very Good
- Status Update
- SKAremongering
- Public Talk, October 21
- Public Talk, September 11
- Parallel Computing Bootcamp
- Vacation; The Omnivore’s Dilemma
- Slides from EBAS Talk
- AAS #214 poster
- The Next Big Thing
- Public Talk, June 6
- Innovations in Outreach
- Sketching Out Robust URLs in the Literature
- Who’s The Scientist?
- Status Update
- AAS #213 poster
- For Future Reference (2)
- For Future Reference
- Pre-Thanksgiving Update
- Thursday
- This Week
- At Hat Creek
- Things to Read
- Incoming Students
- Polishing
- NRAO Synthesis Imaging Workshop
- Observing
- More Angles
- Slog
- Log Blog
- Oh Yeah, This Thing
- Not flagging!
- Encore
- Down the Path
- Flaggity Flag
- Keepin’ On
- Back to Work
- Weird Day
- Fisher Analysis
- FX64 Work
- Half Day
- Kids’ Day
- Prep Work
- Quickly
- Feasibility
- Plans
- Right, This
- Master of the Universe
- Welcome to 2008
- Closure
- Tired
- Sprint to the Finish
- A Little Flagging
- Clock is Ticking
- Back in Action
- Vacation
- Change of Pace
- Spectrum Tweaking
- Monday is the New Sunday
- Remote Observing
- Thursday Again
- Flagging Progress
- Lab Tuesday
- Pass Go
- Thursdrag
- Multifarious
- Further Reality
- Real Work!
- More Lab
- Preparing for the Big Day
- Utility
- ATA Dedication
- Usual Tuesday
- Responsibilities and the Shirking Thereof
- The Late Shift
- Very Briefly Noted
- Catching Up
- Back, Again
- Attack of the ATA
- Back
- Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
- I Proposed
- No Way
- Told You So
- Blogging Like It’s My Job
- At Strada
- Briefly Noted, Again
- Smokin’
- Oof
- Briefly Noted
- Yawn
- Aperture Photometry: Not So Simple
- More Fewer Hours
- Astro 120
- Not much
- Oh god the procrastination
- Testing …