A Fun Python API Pattern for Filtering

The past few weeks, I’ve been working away on a new Python package called daschlab, which will be the recommended analysis toolkit for DASCH data. As part of this, I’ve come up with what feels like a nice solution to a problem that’s annoyed me several times in the past: how do we provide a nice user-friendly API for filtering and subsetting data collections?

To be more specific: one of the core data types in daschlab is a Lightcurve, which is just a wide Astropy Table with a bunch of photometry data about a source. In order to do their analysis, users are going to want to extract subsets of the lightcurve based on any one of a variety of dimensions: the date of the measurement, the telescope that was used, the plate emulsion, quality flags, and on and on.

Users are also going to want to do a lot of different things with those subsets. They might want to remove selected rows from the table. They might want to remove un-selected rows from the table. They might want to plot those rows. They might want to apply some kind of tag to those rows.

The same consideration comes up with other kinds of data collections as well. In general, you want to support both a lot of different ways of subsetting, and a lot of different actions. But you also don't want your API to become too “indirect”: it’s a lot nicer for users to be able to type lightcurve.do_something_concrete() without needing to create a bunch of intermediate variables along the way, or call multiple functions:

lc = Lightcurve(...)
lc.remove_nondetections()      # nice
lc.remove(lc.nondetections())  # gross, redundant
lc.nondetections().remove()    # less redundant, still not as nice

But if we start providing functions like lc.remove_nondetections(), then we quickly reach a multiplicative explosion: the natural progression is to add lc.keep_nondetections(), lc.count_nondetections(), lc.count_between_dates(), and so on. That’s clearly not sustainable.

The approach that I’ve devised looks like this:

lc = Lightcurve(...)
lc.count.beween_dates(d1, d2)

This has a nice subject-verb-object structure and is super amenable to chaining:

lc.keep_only.between_dates(d1, d2).count.detections()

This pattern is really easy to implement, too. The approach that I’ve taken is as follows. An action like drop is expressed as a property that’s a lightweight Selector object:

class Lightcurve(Table):
    # [...]

    def drop(self) -> Selector:
        return Selector(self, self._apply_drop)

    def _apply_drop(self, selection: np.array) -> Lightcurve:
        # reality is a bit more complicated, but basically:
        return self[~selection]

(Here I’ve implemented the property as a getter method, but it could be set up in __init__.) The selector worries about different subsetting operations, but hands things back to the original object to actually take action:

class Selector:
    def __init__(self, parent: Lightcurve, action: Function):
        self._parent = parent
        self._action = action

    def detections(self, **kwargs):
        selection = np.isfinite(self._parent["flux"])
        return self._action(selection, **kwargs)

The selection is always expressed as a boolean array. This is going to be inefficient sometimes, but establishing that invariant makes a lot of the surrounding logic so much simpler. By always accepting and forwarding **kwargs in the subsetting functions, we have a generic way to provide information to the action/application function. For instance:

class Lightcurve(Table):
    def tag(self) -> Selector:
        return Selector(self, self._apply_tag)

    def _apply_tag(self, selection, name: str = None):
        if not name:
            raise ValueError(name)

        self[name] |= selection

# [...]

  .keep_only.between_dates(1920, 1930)

I really like this pattern because it feels really extensible while maintaining a pleasing directness. Adding new actions and filters can be incredibly easy:

class Lightcurve(Table):
    def count(self) -> Selector:
        return Selector(self, lambda s: s.sum())

class Selector:
    def brighter_than(self, limit, **kwargs):
        selection = self._parent["flux"] > limit
        return self._action(selection, **kwargs)

I dunno — this all feels kind of obvious, but I haven’t seen this pattern before (although I’m sure it’s not at all novel), and I had to sit down and think for a while before I thought of this design.

You might note that we don’t have a great way to do boolean logic on subsets. A few extensions can make it possible, although not quite beautiful:

class Lightcurve(Table):
    def match(self) -> Selector:
        return Selector(self, lambda s: s)

class Selector:
    def where(self, selection, **kwargs):
        return self._action(selection, **kwargs)

# [...]

    lc.match.brighter_than(100) & ~lc.match.between_dates(1900, 1905)

I think the key to this pattern is something that I alluded to above — it covers the N×M space of subset-action combinations with what looks like a single function call, rather than two. We pull this off with two tricks. First, we express the desired actions as objects (initialized Selector instances), not functions, even though the latter choice is the “obvious” one. Second, by saying that selector methods will forward their keyword arguments back to the applicator function, one function call can straightforwardly provide any needed parameters to both “halves” of the operation: positional arguments to the subsetting piece, keyword arguments to the action piece.

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