Sample from a Gaussian Process

Because apparently this is a challenge for me.

Cf. this stackexchange answer: given a random vector x sampled from a Gaussian distribution with mean m and covariance C, and also given matrix A, then (A.x) has mean (A.m) and covariance (A.C.A^T). If we’re drawing uncorrelated samples with mean zero and variance 1, then C is the identity matrix.

So, given such a sample, if we want to achieve a covariance matrix D, we need A such that A.A^T = D. One incarnation of such is the Cholesky decomposition of D. D must be positive definite for the decomposition to exist, but it must also be that to be a valid covariance matrix. We must augment the diagonal of D to achieve this condition (i.e., include the individual measurement error term).

If we’re using the squared exponential GP kernel, we have:

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
r = x[None,:] - x[:,None]
cov = np.exp(-0.5 * r**2 / 1**2) + np.eye(100) * 1e-6
chol = np.linalg.cholesky(cov)
y =, np.random.normal(size=x.size))

(Note: without the diagonal term added here, the determinant of cov is precisely zero. So yeah, we just need to add something miniscule to bump it up to be positive. i think. I don’t know a ton about linear algebra …)

How to we verify that we did it right? I’m pretty sure we have to draw a bunch of sample y values.

t =, np.random.normal(size=(x.size, 300)))
z = np.cov(t) # rowvar=False changes output significantly!
z.shape == (100, 100) # -> True, duh.

An ndshow.view() of z should give similar structure to cov, and modeling should yield parameters compatible with the inputs used to generate cov (lengthscale = 1, measurement σ = 1e-3, here).

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