DASCH DR7 on ArXiv

It’s been hard to keep up blogging with my getting settled in at the MPC and (gestures vaguely) everything that’s been going on. So, this is going to be a brief post. But it’s worth mentioning that DASCH DR7 is now on arxiv.org, specifically at arXiv:2501.12977.

This is a proceedings submission corresponding to my presentation at ADASS this year. As such, it’s limited to just four pages, so it’s quite brief; and it’s not formally refereed. But at the moment, it’s the best available citeable artifact relating to DR7. And while much of the material will be familiar to anyone who’s been reading this blog closely, it does contain original discussion about the completion of the DASCH project, as I see it. The HTML rendition is pretty readable, I must say.

Unfortunately, ADASS proceedings have been slow lately — my WWT submission from 2022 still hasn’t been officially published! There’s no obvious reason to expect this one to be done any quicker. Hopefully, this piece will be superseded by a much deeper refereed publication soon enough, although the hours-in-the-day constraint is ever-present.

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Later: Fun with Databases

Earlier: DASCH Data Release 7

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