DASCH Data Services Now Expose Colorterms
2024 December 4
DASCH Data Release 7 (DR7) is imminent. With the scanning complete and the astrometry and photometry fully reprocessed, I’ve been working on finalizing the DR7 data access services. The move to cloud-based data access APIs has been complete success, in my view — not only has it reached feature parity with the existing systems, but it’s unlocked my ability to rapidly deliver useful new features. The most recent example of this is that DASCH’s “colorterm” data are finally accessible via the new APIs, providing users with quantitative information about the different emulsions used on different plates.
When modern astronomers use visible-light telescopes, they nearly always place some kind of colored filter in the optical path to control the wavelengths of light that hit their detectors. There are profound reasons why you want to have a precise control over the bandpass response of your overall detection system, and you can’t control the bandpass response of a CCD detector once it’s manufactured. So, slap some filters in front of it.
In the days of photographic astronomy, the situation was different. Instead of a single expensive electronic detector, you had a stack of glass photographic plates. Each plate had its own photographic emulsion, and each emulsion could have its own bandpass response. I’m far from an expert in the history here, but my impression is that early photographic astronomers fully recognized the value of being able to select emulsions with different spectral responses, and so there was a ton of experimentation with and exploration of different emulsions and their properties. Eventually (I don’t have a good sense as to when), things settled down into some standard commercial options: early on, blue-sensitive Eastman 103a-O and red-sensitive Eastman 103a-E. Later popular options included Kodak IIIa-J, IIa-D, or IV-N. This DSS page contains links to some nice plots of the spectral responses of some of these. It also shows that even though astronomers could choose emulsions on a plate-by-plate basis, they started adding filters into their systems to get even more bandpass control. So, for instance, the SERC-J survey was conducted in a “IIIa-J + GG395” configuration, combining Kodak III-aJ with a Schott GG395 filter. (Star magnitudes obtained in this configuration are said to be in the “Jpg” system, which might be a bit confusing to modern readers what with the image format. The “pg” is short for “photographic.”) It’s amazing to me that some of these specialized products have been manufactured to consistent specifications for a century or more, at this point.
Anyway, if you’re trying to do science with the Harvard plates, it’s generally quite important to know what emulsions they used. If one star looks much brighter on one plate compared to another, is it because it actually got brighter, or because it’s a red star and the plate is red-sensitive? Unfortunately, the historical logbooks didn’t always annotate which plates used which emulsions, and that kind of information is always prone to transcription errors anyway. In this area DASCH’s database of a priori plate information was not nearly comprehensive enough to be useful for modern researchers.
This can be a real problem. Here’s an example copy-pasted from the DASCH docs: the very southern star TYC 9504-35-1:

It appears that in the 70’s, this source goes haywire, with its brightness
seemingly becoming multimodal. Surely this is unphysical, and indeed it is. The
measurements come from three sets of “Damons South” plates, which used three
different emulsions: “blue“, “red”, and “yellow”. (These are plate series dsb
, and dsy
.) This star is relatively red (Gaia DR3 Teff of
around 4700 K), and apparently the APASS catalog has a missing or low-quality
color measurement for it. The different groups of measurements correspond to
plates using the different emulsions, with different errors as the calibration
scheme attempts to adjust all of the magnitudes to the main APASS system
(Johnson B) using the information available. This example demonstrates a
second-order danger of unknown emulsions: since the use of different emulsions
waxed and waned over time, emulsion-related photometric systematics can manifest
as time-dependent systematics. This is a big problem for DASCH, where
time-domain photometry is the major science driver.
Fortunately, self-calibration comes to the rescue. By this, I mean that given a typical DASCH image, I can calibrate it photometrically with virtually zero additional data — modern photometric catalogs contain so many data points that my image is practically guaranteed to contain hundreds of stars with well-measured magnitudes; enough to solve for any needed calibration parameters, such as the spectral response of the plate. No logbook information needed!
In the DASCH pipeline, the spectral response parameter is called the “colorterm”. This is because the pipeline isn’t actually solving for a bandpass shape or anything; instead, it’s determining a coefficient that’s used to shift the reference magnitudes as a function of the stellar color, another quantity recorded in the reference catalog. For the APASS reference catalog, this is specifically:
Mplate = f(B + c(B-V))
The reference catalog provides a magnitude in the Johnson B system as well as a B-V color; Mplate is the “instrumental” magnitude determined by analyzing the plate image; c is the colorterm, which the pipeline solves for; and the function f represents the effect of all of the other photometric calibration parameters, which we’re not worrying about right now.
The colorterm c therefore represents a linear interpolation between working in the B and V magnitude systems. This is … not really well-founded, if you think about it. If we take these B and V numbers to be representing an integral of a product of the source’s intrinsic spectrum multiplied and the bandpasses of the B and V filters (I think even Hogg would be OK with that), the interpolation gives us pseudo-magnitudes that we’d obtain if we observed the source with some filter whose bandpass was a wavelength-by-wavelength linear interpolation between the B and V filters. There is almost surely no actual filter that can be described that way. But, the colorterm scheme works well enough, especially in DASCH, where our measurements are realistically only going to be accurate at the 0.1-mag level or so.
At any rate, while colorterms may not directly measure the bandpass response of anything, they do diagnose the plates’ color sensitivities. Here’s a histogram of all of the APASS colorterms in the DASCH corpus:
The histogram has three obvious peaks, corresponding to “red”, “yellow”, and “blue” emulsions, going from left to right. The majority of Harvard plates are blue, driving the height of the rightmost peak. You may discern what looks like a fourth small peak around a colorterm value of -0.6; this is real, and appears to correspond to yellow plates exposed behind yellow filters, based on the annotations associated with some of the plates in that group.
Great! Armed with this plot (and an analogous one for the ATLAS refcat) we can infer which plates used which emulsions, subject to the inevitable ambiguities at intermediate values. With a better color measurement we may be able to correct the Damons photometry of TYC 9504-35-1, or at least throw away the non-blue measurements.
The problem is that historically, there was simply no way for external DASCH users to gain access to this information.
For each plate, the DASCH photometric calibration pipeline generates a few tens of megabytes of metadata, including colorterms and a bunch of other information. But as far as I can tell, all of that information was either thrown away, or squirreled away on the Harvard HPC cluster’s storage in a place where only DASCH insiders could access it. None of the historical DASCH analyses seem to have made systemic use of the colorterm information.
I felt that this was totally unacceptable — if you’re going to do any kind of careful work with the DASCH photometry, you’re going to want to understand the calibration products. So before I embarked upon the Great Reprocessing, I set up new code to gather all of the pipeline products that looked at all useful, compile them into new data files, and archive those files.
Once the Great Reprocessing was complete, I scanned all of those files to extract the colorterms for every plate, allowing me to construct the histogram shown above. This was actually a bit more complex than you might think: the pipeline sometimes computes dozens of colorterms for each plate, so you have to check if it’s valid to boil those down into a single representative number. The short answer is that yes, that appears to be fine.
At this point, we just have to capture the results and plumb them through the systems. With the new cloud-oriented code, this is all very easy. The new system has a NoSQL DynamoDB database table that stores metadata about each plate, and all it takes is a quick Python script to bulk-insert the new colorterm values into that. Exposing the results at the API level is a matter of mapping the database fields to new output columns. Turning the API results into user-friendly form is another bit of table plumbing on the client side. Tadaa!
To be honest, the ease of doing all this was a lot more about having well-structured code throughout the stack, rather than any particular magic of the cloud. It’s a bit easier to add new “columns” to the DynamoDB than the legacy DASCH MySQL database, but even without any real migration infrastructure, the difference is marginal at best.
I didn’t mention one supremely important piece of this project: documentation. Along with the new data columns, there is a new colorterm documentation page on the DASCH DR7 site. It includes analyses that I hope will be useful for future DASCH users, such as a linear equation to approximately transform between APASS (B/V) and ATLAS (g/r) colorterm values, and suggested cutoffs if you want to categorize emulsions from colorterm values. That being said, the new colorterm data haven’t been plumbed through all aspects of DASCH: the documentation and software need much more work to really take full advantage of the new data. For instance, daschlab should probably provide some new selectors that use the information; a tutorial should make use of the colorterm data; and the Lightcurve Reduction Guide absolutely needs to be updated to make use of the new data.
There’s a whole other set of goodies that are also available at the low level, but not yet documented! I’ve just finished uploading all of those photometric calibration files to AWS, and made them available via a new API endpoint. (Making them useful required yet more table plumbing.) Because the calibration data are quite heterogeneous, I ended up deciding to serialize them using the ASDF container format. This is my first time using ASDF, and I feel pretty good about it. The data would have been extremely annoying to try to flatten into FITS, and I’m not at all happy with HDF5. ASDF solves many of the same problems as HDF5, but the on-disk format is actually comprehensible to humans — you can actually imagine writing your own ASDF parser, whereas with HDF5 you’re virtually locked in to their disgusting C++ library. (Same vibe as casatables.) I’m not eager to adopt new file formats, but I feel like ASDF is filling a legitimate niche.
But wait, there’s more! The exposures table also now includes limiting-magnitude information; catalog query results finally include the number of detections in the DASCH imaging; and finally finally there’s a new API to pull out all of the sources detected in (a portion of) a plate, even ones that aren’t matched to refcat objects. The goal of the next week or so is to write up documentation of all of these things, and to leverage them in the software where appropriate (e.g., Exposures.candidate_nice_cutouts() can be vastly simplified). Stay tuned!