Seven-Figure Scientific Software Projects

“Get this — I just got a six-million dollar grant to develop a new astronomical image viewer!” That’s not something that’s ever been said, I’ll wager. But why not?

I started thinking about this in the context of a slogan that I’ve been toying with for a little while: “Every astronomy department should have a tenured software specialist”. Bold (and self-serving), I know. But it’s almost defensible, I believe, if we think optimistically based on the analogy to hardware instrumentation development. In both cases we’re talking about people who build tools. We have well-known problems giving these people enough credit, but I’d like to think that astronomers generally appreciate that our field moves forward on the basis of their work. Having a tool-builder in-house gives your faculty a leg up on the competition. Developing new tools tends to be expensive, and to require specialized skills … but by the same token, good tool-builders should be able to bring in a lot of overhead!

And this is true of hardware development. Compared to your baseline generic NSF AAG research grant of around $500k, hardware projects can access bigger pots of money. To pick a few awardees from the older NSF MSIP program, you can get $2.5 million to build an exoplanet imaging spectrograph for Keck (UC Irvine), or around $7 million for an integral field spectrograph for Magellan (MIT). You can get a lot more, of course, as you scale up from individual instruments to whole facilities.

If I’m applying for tenure-track positions as a person who builds software (I’m not — that ship has sailed), I want to be able to tell a story about how I’ll secure grants in that seven-figure-and-beyond range. Even if we ignore the very real fact that people do care how much overhead you bring in, this is simply the scale of funding that you need if you want to start something important that has the chance to make a lasting difference in the field. (Something like emcee might be an exception, but I also bet that emcee would have a lot more impact if a few million dollars were spent on it!) For reference, typical seed funding rounds for Silicon Valley startups look like they’re $3 million, and Series A rounds are larger by a factor of a few.

Compared to the hardware domain, though, it’s a lot harder to tell that story. Your intuition probably screams out that you’d have zero chance of getting the NSF to hand you seven-figure sums on the basis of “I have an idea for the next Astropy” or even much more specific, but still ambitious projects like “I want to build a new VLBI data reduction package”. NSF ATI (grants going up to ~$2M, total pool this year of ~$8M) nominally supports software development but the framing of the program (“enable observations for ground-based astronomy that are difficult or impossible to obtain with existing means”) makes that a virtual non-starter, and I don't see any pure-software projects in the recently awarded ATI projects.

Now, there is CSSI out of the NSF CISE directorate: “Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation”. This is probably the closest in spirit to the kind of funding that I’d like to see, and the program scale is in the right ballpark. CSSI “Framework Implementation” awards come in around $2 million. But there are planned to be around ten of these given out in the 2024 round, across pretty much the whole NSF; framework implementations are “aimed at solving common research problems faced by NSF researchers in one or more areas of science and engineering”. This is all well and good, but think of the hardware analogy: would that Keck imaging spectrograph fit that definition? WorldWide Telescope got a smaller CSSI Elements grant, and I would love to go for a Framework Implementation, but it would be a difficult sell.

In the current environment, if you want access to substantial resources for software development, you can tune your CSSI pitch, and you can try to piggyback on tangible facilities: maybe you can secure a big subaward to develop something like a pipeline for a major observatory. That’s simply where the significant pots of money for astronomical software development can actually be found — attached to very large projects like Rubin and space missions.

These projects are only going to support certain kinds of software development, though. Not to undersell the importance of pipelines and other facility-type software, but when I think of software efforts that ambitious “software instrumentalists” would want to be able to point to as significant professional accomplishments, I think of things like Astropy, Jupyter, MESA, or ds9, the project behind of this year’s ADASS Software Prize. These are also the kind of project that we need much more of, I think. Historically, people have found ways to support work on these sorts of foundational systems through facilities funding (ds9 probably being the best example), but as funding gets tighter, software gets more expensive, and people appreciate more and more just how difficult software projects are, this approach seems less and less viable to me.

There’s a much bigger problem here than simply the lack of an appropriately-targeted funding program, though. As almost everyone has come to recognize by now, most software projects are fundamentally different undertakings than hardware projects, in ways that have significant implications for how they need to be supported and managed. This is despite the fact that in other ways, software and hardware projects indeed have much in common.

Consider some of the MSIP examples above. Some of the key aspects of the deliverables are extremely concrete: I will build a spectrometer with such-and-such resolving power, operating in such-and-such waveband, attaching to the back of such-and-such telescope. It’s possible to specify software deliverables in the same way: Astropy will allow users to load FITS files; CASA will allow users to calibrate VLA data. You can build software this way, and sometimes you have to; but even the most straitlaced engineering organizations now understand that software-by-specification is at best a deeply limited approach. Say what you will about agile, scrum, and the rest, but these methods were invented because traditional ones were utterly failing in the software context.

Many thousands of words have probably been written about “why software is different.” To a certain extent, the specific reasons probably aren’t even that important. But as someone who cares a lot about the quality of software, in the gestalt Zen-and-the-Art-of-Motorcycle-Maintenance sense, I can say that I find the things that make certain pieces of software the most exciting and inspiring are the things that are farthest from what would be captured in a typical specification. Git versus Subversion, Ninja versus make, Beancount versus hledger, Rust versus C++: each pair of tools would likely satisfy the same written spec, but you’ll never convince me that they’re of equal quality.

Anyway, all that is to say that in my view, the reason that the NSF doesn’t have a great way to give you $5 million to build the next Astropy is that everyone involved recognizes that doing so would rarely yield good results within the current framework. You could have very little confidence up-front about what was going to come out of the whole effort, and it would be really easy to spend all that money and get with something that no one actually wanted to use. The early-2000’s US NVO experience isn’t exactly inconsistent with all this. I’ve been harping on the NSF here for specificity, but any traditional grantmaker is going to face the same issues.

It’s true that projects that have already achieved a high level of significance can attract big grants: Jupyter landed $6 million in 2015; Astropy broke through with $900k from Moore in 2019. But unfortunately, it’s really, really hard to build up a compelling software project on a series of small grants. My understanding is that STScI made a long-term investment on the order of tens of millions to get Astropy going, and ds9 has benefited from long-term, steady funding via Chandra — funding that’s now in extreme danger thanks to Chandra’s budget being blown up. PlasmaPy did get $1.4 million relatively early in the project history, but they likely benefited from having an extremely legible pitch: “let’s make an Astropy for plasma physics”.

I’m sure that hardware development has comparable bootstrapping problems, but it seems to me that the challenges for software are going to be worse. If you’re starting out a new hardware development program, you might convince the NSF or your institution to invest in lab space, a vector network analyzer, a mass spectrometer, or whatever. If it all goes belly-up, you still have your capital investment. Software projects, on the other hand, are all opex to a good approximation — people. If a project fails, you’ll have essentially nothing to show for it. What’s worse, talented people care about things like “whether they will have a job in a year“ or “what their long-term career prospects look like,” whereas vector network analyzers emphatically don’t. I believe strongly that if you want to recruit and retain good software developers, you’ll have to be able to offer them a level of stability and career growth potential that is extremely foreign to university standards. And you’re not going to get good software without good developers.

So, how do we make it possible for someone to establish themselves as a “software instrumentalist”? It goes without saying that more funding wouldn’t hurt, but the key point is that if we want to enable significant, innovative, PI-driven scientific software projects — and I think we do — we need different kinds of funding. The software projects that I think, frankly, are the most interesting and valuable entail a kind of uncertainty that does not match well to traditional grant-proposal models, and the challenge is made only more difficult because building a sustainable software-production practice requires stable, substantial investment.

Undoubtedly people have ideas about ways that grantmakers could do things differently to better support innovative software development. The obvious source of inspiration would be Silicon Valley: call it the “startup” model. I think the key through-line would be that the funder would have to think of itself as investing in a team of people, rather than a particular product. Startups pivot all the time, after all. Maybe your initial product idea wasn’t any good, but if you can show that you’ve become skilled at figuring out how to build something interesting that people will actually use, that’s a success. I’m not finding anything to link to at the moment, but I’m sure this sort of idea is well-trodden ground.

What’s interesting is that I see elements of this approach in the design of the NASA Science Activation program, NASA’s umbrella funding vehicle for science education projects. Grants are relatively large and long-lasting; oversight is relatively hands-on, with regular meetings and each project having to retain an external evaluator; and there’s a big emphasis on inter-project collaboration and the development of an overall education-focused community of practice. If I had a really big pot of money to support innovative PI-driven software projects, those would all be things that I’d want to have as well.

You could also say that the upshot of all of this is that if you want to produce innovative scientific software, stay out of the universities. Go get a job at STScI and convince a higher-up to peel off some money to support your vision. It’s not terrible advice, but I’d really like to think that we can do better. I think there are a ton of PI-driven software projects that could be executed for an amount of money that’s totally in line with hardware development efforts, and would deliver comparable if not much more impact for the expense — think Astropy and ADS. The benefits might be extremely diffuse, but that’s exactly the kind of thing that grantmakers are supposed to figure out how to support.

I don’t have a way to make money magically appear, but if it does, the key is to be able to spend with confidence. That means having better tools to estimate cost and schedule for specific software projects; a clear idea of how we’re going to do oversight; realistic models for developer retention, software adoption, and other social processes; and ultra-clear definitions of success. If we understand and even embrace the distinctive characteristics of software development, and think carefully about how those characteristics interact with our existing institutions, we can tap into an immense amount of potential.

See also an addendum.

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Later: Addendum: Seven-Figure Scientific Software Projects

Earlier: Mitigating “Source Splitting” in DASCH

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