Elastic HPC Mini-Services

The end is in sight! My long-running project to completely reprocess the DASCH photometry should wrap up this week, although this morning progress is once again being held up by a flaky Lustre filesystem. As I’ve been working on porting the DASCH scientific data services to run in the cloud, I’ve been thinking about some features that cloud providers make available that I wish HPC systems like Cannon offered.

The specific motivation is pretty simple: I’d love to be able to use SQLite on Cannon. For the kinds of data analysis work that I do, there are tons of times where I'd like to be able to set up a miniature, temporary database to coordinate work between different tasks. At the hand-waving level, an SQLite file on one of our shared Lustre drives would be perfect for this. In practice, it doesn’t work. On Cannon’s Lustre filesystems in particular, I run into a locking issue that means that I’d basically have to operate any such database in read-only mode, which eliminates the most important use-cases. In general, SQLite over network filesystems is strongly discouraged for fairly foundational reasons. (I like that document a lot — “You want to run SQLite over NFS? Well first let’s consider the fundamental properties of the new communication channel that you’re introducing into the dataflow.” That’s very much my style.) So the specific technology choice of SQLite has issues.

What’s interesting is that on Cannon, unlike most users I actually have access to a SQL server that I fully control, as part of DASCH. And yet I still find myself wanting to use SQLite. Why is that?

The reason, I think, is something I discussed when describing the HPC job organization scheme that I’ve been using. The DASCH SQL server is a durable, unique, global resource. But I’ve found that there’s a ton of value in being able to organize my cluster work into independent projects, using subsets of resources that are intentionally isolated from each other. That way, I can try an experiment and be confident that it won’t affect the production system, and I can confidently throw it all away when I’m done with it. When I want to use SQLite, it’s for these reasons: I want databases that are temporary and isolated, and I want to be able to create and destroy them at will.

From that perspective, SQLite is a tempting option because it turns “running an SQL service” into “managing a file on the filesystem”, and as I wrote in the HPC organization post, HPC filesystems have exactly the characteristics I mentioned above. I can create and destroy files at will; I can organize them hierarchically through directory structure; the resources are globally visible and always available.

From the cloud perspective, what I want is an elastic service. I want to be able to create and destroy resources — specifically, SQL databases — on-demand. An important aspect of this is that I need to be able to do it in a self-service mode. You could imagine a world where I submit a stream of helpdesk tickets asking the FASRC staff to start and stop different PostgreSQL VMs for me as I work on various projects; that would be pretty awful for everyone involved.

In the past, I’ve tried to achieve this elasticity by spinning up my own servers as Slurm jobs. My takeaway from the experience is that with a lot of work, you can sometimes get something that works most of the time, but that the overall experience is not reliable enough to be worthwhile. If you’re going to commit to designing your workflows around something like an elastic SQL service, it has to be ultra-reliable, at the same level as the filesystem. (Sometimes it feels like HPC filesystems are breaking all of the time, but think of how many operations they successfully execute every day. In these systems, a five-nines success rate in completing transactions would be an utter disaster.) If you try to wrap a comparable service in the HPC job framework, there are just too many issues: how do you make sure to spin up exactly one server? What do you do when the server job inevitably must terminate? How about when it terminates early? How do the other jobs discover it? How do you transfer state between different incarnations of the server? The issues never stopped.

Another relevant tool is MPI, which we can think of as providing additional primitives that help to coordinate distributed work. Another way of thinking about a “service” is as a mechanism for exactly this kind of coordination: the whole point of having an SQL server is that a bunch of different workers can talk to it independently and obtain some kind of coherent shared view of their collective state. We can imagine building on MPI’s primitives to achieve similar effects. The problem here is that MPI can only coordinate within a group of coextensive jobs. In all of my work, the thing that I’m really missing are coordination tools whose existence spans the lifetimes of many jobs, which may start and stop at basically arbitrary times. In general, I’ve found MPI to be far too rigid for anything I want to do, although I’m certainly no MPI guru.

Thinking back over my recent work, these considerations actually completely drive how I architect software that’s meant to run on HPC systems. On most HPC systems the filesystem is the only globally-available, reliable, elastic service, and so everything that involves any kind of flexible coordination of distributed work becomes a filesystem problem. Managing uniqueness? O_EXCL. Atomically committing completed work? rename(). Merging multiple data streams? O_APPEND.

You can build a lot of complexity on top of these primitives, but the limitations are significant. The example that I run into most frequently in my work is what you might call “microtransactions”: I might have a data processing job that can be expressed as 100,000 very small tasks to run, with certain interdependencies between them. It’s way too slow to submit them as individual Slurm jobs, so ideally you’d partition that work among, say, 100 worker jobs. You can use stamp files on the filesystem to coordinate all this, but it gets sloooow, and it’s not how the filesystem is meant to be used. A transient SQL-like database would be better in every way.

I’ve been talking about SQL this entire time, but the same needs arise with other database-y paradigms. Really, the term “database” implies exactly this sort of service. On Cannon, I most often wish that I could use key-value stores (think DynamoDB or Redis) or NoSQL systems like MongoDB.

Once again, it’s worth emphasizing that while I can ask for such services to be set up manually, the element that I’m really missing is the elasticity: I want to create and destroy them on-demand, preferably with organizational tools that allow me to manage hundreds of instances conveniently. Ignoring all of the implementation details, if I had the ability to run a command to spin up a new PostgreSQL server on the cluster, have it run continuously for as long as I want, and then tear it down at-will, that would be a game-changer for a lot of my workflows. Even better if Redis and MongoDB were options as well.

As I was thinking about all this, it finally occurred to me: you know, I do have an AWS account. I can create all of the services on demand! They just won't live on the HPC cluster, and I’ll have to pay for them. In certain situations, this is probably a non-starter: ingress/egress costs and the latency of a non-local server could be dealbreakers. But in other cases, such as my “microtransactions” example, I could see a short-lived DynamoDB instance in us-east-1 as being a great solution.

For all of those other situations, I’d love to see HPC systems start offering this kind of elasticity themselves. (I’m not aware of any that do.) Of course, we can only try to imagine the extra headaches this would add for our already-overworked HPC operators. Managing quotas, dealing with out-of-control processes, security, software updates, backups … there’s a lot to worry about. You basically have to become a local, on-prem “cloud” provider. I’m pretty sure that there are frameworks that help you do exactly this; I think this might be what OpenShift is all about? Maybe there’s a way to provide this kind of service that isn’t too much work if you are extremely limited and rigid about what you provide; but much past that and you’re probably looking at more than doubling your administrative workload.

Because of that reality, while I think that it would be super valuable to have these kinds of services available in clusters like Cannon, I’m not going to hold my breath. In particular I have trouble seeing how I’d convince someone that it was worth a bunch of extra money to pay to make them available. This seems like the classic kind of intangible thing that I would describe as utterly foundational and transformative, but if someone’s not already on your wavelength about that, I have no idea how to change their mind. (I have the same feeling when I talk to people about zoning rules.) In the meantime, I might start exploring what you might call the DIY approach, spinning up these kinds of services elastically using standard cloud providers. Most of the DASCH infrastructure is too locked-in to fiddle with at this point, but I see some opportunities to do this with the final pieces of the upcoming DASCH data release.

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Later: A Year of Blogging Dangerously

Earlier: On-The-Fly DASCH Cutouts in the Cloud

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