On-The-Fly DASCH Cutouts in the Cloud

Over the past few days I've been working on a bit of an experimental project for DASCH data access, and I’ve reached the point where I’m pretty confident that it’s going to work out well! Barring unforeseen issues, the code that generates DASCH image cutouts is going to move to be entirely cloud-based, running as an AWS Lambda. Getting this to work is, if I may say so myself, a pretty slick technical accomplishment.

The basic challenge is this: DASCH full-plate “mosaic” images average about 750 megabytes, and the biggest ones are more than 2 gigabytes. That’s too big to conveniently download, so it’s really important to provide some kind of “cutout” or “thumbnailing” or “postage stamp” service allowing people to download just the parts of the images that they’re interested in. This is an incredibly common need in astronomy, and web services to emit postage stamps easily date back to the 90’s. Some of these, like the ones for NVSS or DSS, are still running to this day.

Sometimes, it’s not too hard to extract a cutout. If your images are stored in uncompressed FITS format, the data are laid out in a predictable, linear way on disk. To extract a sub-rectangle of an overall image, you just have to copy out bytes from specific pieces of the file, and it’s pretty straightforward to calculate the locations of those pieces. If such a sub-rectangle works well as a cutout that you can send to a user, you’re in good shape.

The DASCH case is more challenging. The DASCH plates are wildly heterogeneous, and to get good astrometric solutions for them, we need to solve for substantial distortions relative to standard projections like gnomonic. To enable people to compare cutouts of the same sky location from various plates — which is hugely important, and incredibly relevant because DASCH covers most parts of the sky thousands of times — we can’t just copy same-sized rectangles from different plate mosaic files. We need to resample the underlying imagery onto a common projection, which is a lot more computationally intensive than the case where you can just copy out a rectangle.

What’s more, the DASCH images stored in the cloud are compressed losslessly using the fpack tool. Using fpack shrinks our images by around 30% in size, and when your total (uncompressed) image corpus comes in at more than 400 terabytes of data, that 30% gain is nothing to sneeze at. The downside is that fpack'ed images are not stored on disk in the convenient, easily-subsettable form that uncompressed FITS images are. As an example of this: while Astropy can do efficient I/O on uncompressed FITS files, only reading a small amount of data from disk if your code only needs a small piece of a large image, it can’t do this with compressed files. If you try to access a small piece of a large fpack'ed file, it has to load the entire image and decompress it into memory. Fortunately, this isn’t an inherent limitation of the fpack format (see below).

Extracting DASCH cutouts therefore requires a nontrivial software stack: we need sophisticated WCS (world coordinate system) code that can handle inverting projections with distortions; we need FITS I/O code that can handle compressed images; and we need software like Tom Robitaille’s reproject that can resample an image from one coordinate system to another.

Fortunately, code like this is all available, much of it bundled into Astropy. The core of the current DASCH cutout-generating webservice, running in a virtual machine on the Harvard Cannon cluster, is a Python script that’s about 200 lines long, including a lot of boilerplate. A key fact that enables this is that the copy of the DASCH imagery stored on the cluster uses uncompressed FITS files, so that Astropy can efficiently load subsets of each mosaic as described above, yielding major performance benefits. As a matter of fact, when I first took over responsiblity for the DASCH data, I started a project to compress the on-disk mosaics, but was soon forced to abandon it because the implications for the performance of the cutout service were so bad as to make it unusable.

The “problem,” such as it is, is that the tricky code in this software stack resides in foundational C libraries, namely Bill Pence’s cfitsio and Mark Calabretta’s wcslib. These libraries are battle-tested, which is important. But they are not exactly “cloud-native”.

These libraries have very few external dependencies, so it’s not hard to get them running in something like a cloud container. The issue is I/O. On AWS, my mosaics aren’t sitting on some local storage device that’s legible to the existing code as a POSIX filesystem. They’re S3 objects, best accessed using RESTful HTTP APIs. I might be able to run the cfitsio code in a Lambda, but it’s not going to be able to read my data.

(OK, OK, there are things like s3fs-fuse and AWS’s S3 mountpoint that fill this gap exactly: they make S3 look like a POSIX filesystem. I haven’t looked into whether these could be used to solve my problem. I suspect that they might not be available in a Lambda environment, but as much as AWS wants us to think otherwise, you can actually build web APIs without using Lambda.)

So, to make DASCH cutouts available on the cloud, I basically need to solve one of two problems. Either I need to reimplement the battle-tested logic of libraries like cfitsio and wcslib in a way that plays nicely with a modern cloud environment; or I need to find a way to bridge the gap between what these codebases expect and what that environment delivers.

Thankfully, some preliminary research showed that the second option might not be too major of an undertaking. It’s basically undocumented, but cfitsio turns out to actually have a whole framework to support generic I/O backends, and it’s user-extensible. There’s in fact already support for accessing files over HTTP/HTTPS, but it quickly became clear that it wouldn’t suffice: besides being unable to parse some sample S3 presigned URLs, the code also works by downloading the FITS file in its entirety, a non-starter in the DASCH context.

This connects to the other key requirement needed for cloud-based thumbnailing to be possible. If I have to read in the entire FITS file to create a cutout from a compressed DASCH mosaic, I’m probably sunk. After a little bit of digging, I found out that the fpack compression technique thankfully uses a tiling scheme, where the image is broken into indepedent chunks that are compressed separately. To access a pixel within a given tile, you have to read and decompress the full tile, but you don’t have to read in the entire image. I further found out that the default tiling scheme is row-by-row: each “tile” is really a needle, compressing one scanline of the image. That’s not optimal for the roughly-square cutouts that I’m seeking to generate, but it’s a good start. (And, yes, DASCH uses the default scheme.)

So we have the outlines of a solution: if we can add a backend to cfitsio able to talk to S3 directly, and we can write a custom cutout-and-reprojection routine that can get away with requesting only the image rows that are needed to generate the cutout, we’re in business.

The next problem to think about is whether that cutout-and-reproject step is going to be too hard to implement. In the current approach, I use the reproject package in its interpolation mode. I had never really sat down to think about how this algorithm must work, but after reading the code and thinking about things, I decided that this was something that I could probably reimplement from scratch. The approach really isn’t too complicated in our simple 2D use case:

  1. We start with the desired output. We want to generate a square image with a known, simple coordinate system. With wcslib (or even without — the projection is simple), it’s easy to compute the associated sky coordinates: what is the RA/Dec of each pixel in the desired output image?
  2. We can than work backwards towards the input image. Given those sky coordinates, and the known WCS solution of the full-plate mosaic, we ask: for each pixel in the desired output image, what would its pixel position on the input image be? These pixel positions will generally be fractional. This step is where we need the full power of wcslib, in order to correctly invert the complex distortions that are generally present in the input image’s astrometric solution. Importantly, once we’ve done this step, we know exactly what subset of the input image we need to do our computation — we won’t need to load the entire thing.
  3. Now, computing the value of each output pixel is a simple interpolation problem. Given a fractional pixel coordinate (something like (3.6, 8.3)), and the actual values of the input pixels around that area (at coordinates (3, 8), (3, 9), etc.), what’s a good interpolated pixel value for that coordinate? This is the kind of problem that people invented computers in order to be able to solve. It’s not something you want to implement yourself, but nearly any computational environment you can find will have some kind of library available that can do this for you.

This only works because we’re OK with interpolation-based resampling. This approach can produce poor results some corners of parameter space and isn’t flux-conserving, and so isn’t appropriate for certain high-precision contexts. But for cutouts of DASCH images, where the underlying pixel values aren’t calibrated to physical units, it’s OK. An important feature of the reproject library is that offers several other resampling methods that are slower but more precise.

Finally — what would the tangible implementation of this service actually look like? Last week, I did some exploratory work on implementing other, much simpler DASCH APIs on AWS Lambda, so I had a sense of what approach I would take.

In particular, it’s possible to implement a Lambda as a Docker container, and there’s an official AWS Rust toolkit for implementing Lambdas. The Rust toolkit is billed as “experimental”, but it’s full-featured and I believe that there’s every reason to think that it will continue to be supported for a long time to come. In the not-so-formal DASCH development effort, relying on something experimental is OK.

The existing Lambda implementations that power Starglass are written in Go, but in this case I felt that it was a pretty clear choice to use Rust for this service. The key issue is that implementing this cutout service was going to require some kind of FFI to the cfistio and wcslib C libraries, and in my experience that’s the kind of thing that often takes a really long time to get working in an unfamiliar language. I know very little about Go, but I’ve done a ton of work with Rust FFI, and I’m absolutely sure that it would be a lot quicker to figure out how to implement a Lambda in Rust than it would be to figure out how to string together some fairly complex FFI interactions (as well as every other piece of the program!) in Go. After all, one of the nice benefits of using things like Lambdas is that you can make these sorts of technical choices on a case-by-case basis.

The other choice, of course, would be to implement the whole thing in C or C++. (Python is a no-go due to the need for custom S3-backed I/O on compressed FITS files; solving that problem requires enough systems-level code that — in this case — you might as well do the whole thing in one language. If we were aiming to provide a flexible library to be used by lots of people in lots of ways, instead of a web service with one narrow job, it would be a different story.) There is indeed an AWS SDK for C++ that could be used to interact with the storage backend APIs. But this tool needs to string together a wide range of technologies: Lambda runtime code (basically, an HTTP server), S3 I/O, queries to DynamoDB for reasons not yet mentioned, FITS and WCS manipulations, and fast 2D interpolation. You can do this in C/C++, but to be blunt, it completely sucks. One of the reasons that I love Rust is that it makes it so much easier to build these kinds of complex codebases while delivering performance and reliability that are light-years ahead of scripting languages like Python. It’s not as easy as Python (cf. the 200-line script mentioned above), but in cases like this the performance and reliability tradeoffs are absolutely worth the extra effort.

Finally, it was time to start writing code! I started with working out a simple S3 backend for cfitsio. Since the “deliverable” for this service is basically a simple executable that runs in a Docker container, there’s no need to worry about proper APIs: I can just link cfitsio into the final executable statically, and do whatever I need to do to get that backend working. If I needed to, I could go ahead and hack up the cfitsio source itself. But it turned out that I could use the stock library. Read-only S3 support really only needs to implement three driver APIs: one to get the total size of the “file”, one to seek, and one to read. HTTP Range requests make it easy to read only a subset of the file, so this was actually quite easy to write — just a day of work, more or less. The most tricky part was that I discovered/realized that even though the Rust Lambda server is running an asynchronous event loop, and the Rust S3 client is asynchronous, they can’t be asynchronous together: cfitsio expects I/O to happen in a blocking style, and, as far as I can reason out, there’s no way for the little asynchronous state machine inside that I/O loop to hand control back up to the toplevel asynchronous runtime. So, I believe that I have to run the cfitsio S3 operations inside a “blocking thread”, which then starts up its own secondary async runtime to manage its requests. Pretty gross, but life goes on. There might well be a better approach to this.

Next I wired up all of the ancillary interactions needed to make things work: getting a wcslib WCS state object from the FITS headers; synthesizing simple WCS for the projection target; creating an in-memory FITS “file” that can then be extracted at the Rust layer. This last task was fairly annoying due to some particularities of the design of the relevant cfitsio APIs. It did give me a fun excuse to use Rust’s concept of “pinning” to preserve some necessary invariants; I think it’s genuinely wonderful that Rust gives you the tools to both think about these kinds of concepts and actually implement them in code. It was also a reminder of how much we, collectively, have learned about API design since the days when libraries like cfitsio were being written. This has nothing inherently to do with fancy languages — an experienced developer writing a modern library would do a bunch of things differently even if they were required to work in straight C. This is no knock on cfitsio; it’s just to underscore that despite all of the ridiculous churn in the tech industry, there really are some fundamental aspects of the craft that have improved over the decades. Anyway, this was all another day of work or so.

Finally, yesterday I sat down to tie these things together with a resampling step in the middle. For interpolation, I’m using a library called ndarray-interp which has some rough edges, and doesn’t appear to be very actively maintained, but it gets the job done. On the left, a sample cutout produced by the current production code; on the right, the sample produced by the S3-backed Rust version:

Comparison of cutouts: left is current, right is the new S3-backed Rust version.
Comparison of cutouts: left is current, right is the new S3-backed Rust version.

I’ll admit that I haven’t dared to do a pixel-level comparison, but I don’t see any differences. Implementing this was another day of work.

At this point, I’m confident that I’ve retired all of the risks and can declare this experiment a success. There are still a bunch of things that I need to do, but they’re “just programming” and shouldn’t present any major problems:

This last item is a particularly important one. Many Harvard plates were exposed multiple times, giving them multiple WCS solutions. If I want to look up a particular source on a plate, I need to know which solution to use: one might tell me that the source is in dead center, while another might tell me that it's a million pixels off of the image! But the mosaics FITS files contain only the first WCS solution, and the current (and previous) cutout code could only use that one solution. It simply hasn’t been possible to generate cutouts for the additional solutions. Once I wire in this functionality, we’ll finally start handling multiple-exposure plates properly.

You’ll note that I haven’t linked to any source code. The code isn’t online yet, and to integrate into the DASCH/Starglass CI/CD systems, the primary repository will need to belong to the private DASCH/Starglass project that runs on Harvard Research Computing’s GitLab organization. But, I think that people might be interested in seeing the end-to-end implementation of all this, so I’ll mirror it onto my public GitHub too. Coming soon!

Overall, I’d like to think that this is a good demonstration of the leverage that can happen in the world of software development. You might think that “teach cfitsio to work with S3” is a big project — and, to be honest, someone without the right experience might spend a long time flailing around without making any progress. But, and I guess there’s no way not to be tooting my own horn here, for someone with the right experience, it can be literally a day of work. (I’m benefiting from having a very narrow use-case, but I’ll claim that a more general backend would be hardly any more effort.) When this kind of stuff works, you can understand why software developers are so expensive — I’ve read about single-person projects at cloud-reliant companies that directly yield tens-of-millions-per-year savings. Developers can be worth their literal weight in literal gold.

But where there is high demand and high price, there must be low supply. Time management is always hard — personally, I feel like there are routinely problems on my plate that linger for months and then only take a few hours of work to solve. It’s depressing. More broadly, I see so many examples of projects in astronomy that are just stuck that just need to get the right person on task for a few weeks, if not just a few hours. For instance, another case that I’m personally familiar with: some colleagues have been struggling with issues in the PinpointWCS program for literally a decade, and it took me about a week to demonstrate some major improvements. If science were run by a wise, benevolent dictator, I’m pretty sure that they would have people like me working on these sorts of problems day-in-day-out. Sadly, the actual career tracks that we have don’t exactly support that.

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