A New Tutorial for WWT Developers

You may have noticed that this blog has been dormant for a long time. I’m aspiring to change that! Lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve been neglecting the scholarly side of my professional life, and to help correct that, I want to start writing a lot more frequently. I’m going to ease in with some easy, brief notes.

One of my projects over the past few weeks has been to take a pass over the WorldWide Telescope documentation and start writing a new tutorial aimed at people who are interested in writing web apps based on the WWT engine. This is, admittedly, a pretty niche target audience, but if you’re in that audience, I hope you’ll check it out!

Questions or comments? For better or worse this website isn’t interactive, so send me an email or, uh, Toot me.

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Later: Sneak Peek: DASCH Website Refresh

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