(Belatedly) Introducing Tectonic
2018 October 9
Even though I haven’t been blogging for the past year, it’s not like I haven’t been busy! I’ve been doing a lot of astrophysics, but if I’m honest, one of the things I’ve been working that I’m most excited about is a bit to one side — or, maybe better, a lot bigger than just astrophysics. It’s a project I call Tectonic.
The capsule summary on the website is:
Tectonic is a modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine, powered by XeTeX and TeXLive.
What does that actually mean and why do I think it matters so much? I think the best explanation involves stepping back a bit.
I’m very interested in how complex, technical ideas are communicated — especially in written documents, which are the most efficient mechanism ever invented for getting new knowledge into a person’s brain (sorry, Khan Academy). In particular, I find it infinitely frustrating that scientific and technical documents have barely changed in the quarter-century since information technology really started transforming how people communicate with one another. The “highest” form of scientific communication, if you will, is still the journal article — a model rooted in the time when there was no alternative to print, of course — and scientists still primarily read articles as PDF files, formatted in a dense two-column layout intended for printing onto little rectangles of paper. Don’t get me wrong: this system works very well, and has worked well for a long time. But, if nothing else, modern screens (your smartphone, your tablet) are a strictly more powerful display technology than the printed page. We should be able to use that power to communicate complex ideas more effectively than we could before.
And, of course, we can: there’s a reason that things like Jupyter notebooks have become popular, and I’ve explored using them pedagogically myself. But when it comes to “high-end” scientific communication — journal articles — our technologies are still oriented around the print paradigm.
I am convinced that this state of affairs is largely due to a technology gap. We have the display technologies: both physical screens, and the software systems to create amazing interactive graphical experiences (namely, web browsers). But we don’t have the technology to create technical documents that leverage these display technologies.
Why is that? Technical documents have some authoring requirements that don’t come up for the kinds of documents that fill the modern Web:
- You need to be able to easily create equations. They have to be capable of both being placed inline in text and in display equations, and they need to be beautiful. I think people underrate this last factor. Typographic quality is one of those things in life, like zoning regulations, that absolutely shapes the human experience and yet somehow operates in a way that most people don’t even realize it’s at work.
- You need to be able to easily cross-reference documents in a durable way. Obviously, the Web has hyperlinks. But they can break, and the information content of a link itself can be marginal or nonexistent. (What does https://tinyurl.com/2fcpre6 link to?) The very fact that academic writing persists in using its elaborate referencing schemes, and hasn’t just switched to using URLs for everything, demonstrates how important this functionality is.
Technical documents are also demanding on other axes — the typography of the main body text (not just the math) should be excellent, and high-quality graphics are a must. But non-technical documents are also demanding of these things.
My claim is that the quality of 21st-century scientific communication is genuinely and substantially limited by the fact that we don’t have the tools to author technical documents that can meet the above requirements.
Except, of course, we do.
We have TeX.
TeX is the de facto software system for scientific typesetting. Even though
it’s literally 40 years old (as of this year), many working scientists still
use it as their primary tool for creating high-end technical documents. I
argue that they still use it precisely because it’s the only freely-available
tool that lets you easily author beautiful equations and correct
cross-references — the latter relying on the fact that with a
BibTeX database you can just type
and all of the necessary detailed cross-referencing
information will automatically be inserted into your document.
So what’s the problem? The problem is that TeX was designed for the printed page — and that its design is exceedingly baroque, such that it is extremely hard to update it to keep up with evolving typographical and display technologies. Furthermore, I’ve found that both TeX’s implementation and its developer community are extremely resistant to change. The original code is written in a language that, for all intents and purposes, nobody uses, modifications to the original source code are legally questionable, the development and distribution practices are old-fashioned, and there’s an enormous emphasis on not breaking compatibility with existing work. The last of these is a value that I absolutely cherish and respect, but is not well-suited to seizing the opportunities presented in this era of rapid change in communications technology.
The vision of Tectonic is to have the best of both worlds. Take the proven TeX engine, but modernize it. Rewrite the internals in better languages, using modern development practies. Break compatibility when old practices get in the way of improving things. Start emphasizing user experience as well as technically correct output. Overall, the idea is to make technical typesetting hackable — in the sense that an interested coder can easily experiment with the software, modifying it to meet their needs. Because if we’re going to take advantage of the ongoing revolution in communications and display technology, we’re going to need to evolve our authoring tools.
The proximate goal is to produce outrageously good technical documents for the Web. Beautiful typography, beautiful mathematics, and an absolutely fundamental reconsideration of what technical documents should look like on digital display. Footnotes make no freaking sense on the Web! Reference information should pop up to the side of the main text when needed, not be relegated to the bottom of the “page”. Anything that has to do with pages at all, in fact, needs to go — websites are infinitely tall scrolls, not rectangular pieces of paper.
Based on my experience with my earlier Webtex project, I think that the TeX ecosystem is very close to being able to deliver the documents that we need and deserve. The ecosystem represents an enormous investment of effort toward the very hard problem of programmatically creating excellent mathematical typography, and projects like XeTeX have done incredible work on the core of the engine so that it can handle modern fonts and Unicode. That’s why I think it is infinitely wiser to build on TeX, rather than try to build an entirely new system. But to get across the finish line, I am convinced that you need to throw away a few promises that the existing TeX projects are unable to break.
At the moment, Tectonic … doesn’t deliver the documents that I dream of. In order to produce excellent Web-native technical documents, there are a few key changes that need to be enabled in the core engine, and I haven’t yet implemented them. However, I’m still very enthusiastic about where the Tectonic project is at today:
- The engine is much, much, more hackable. The core code is a mess of automatically-generated C code, but it’s getting cleaner and cleaner, and the project is on GitHub and generally uses modern, open-source development practices. The outer layers are now written in Rust, which is wonderful: powerful, expressive, and able to compile down to blazing-fast, low-level machine code (or WebAssembly …).
- The engine is now embeddable. Existing TeX systems rely on a sprawling collection of tools and gigabytes of data files that interact with each other in complex ways. Tectonic comes as a single program, full stop. This helps hackability and distribution.
- The user experience is vastly improved. Various old-fashioned behaviors of the classic TeX programs have been thrown away, and new code has been added to automate steps that were previously tedious.
- All of the above lead to more reproducibility in documents. I haven’t mentioned reproducibility yet in this piece, but it’s another aspect to the authoring of technical documents that I believe is absolutely essential. Many subtle elements of Tectonic’s design have been aimed at allowing for reproducible document processing.
- Finally, the project has attracted a good level of interest, and is building a supportive community. I feel confident that as the project grows, the community will come to be seen as one of its most important assets.
As I mentioned in my previous post, the process of refreshing this very website has gotten me excited to push on the part of Tectonic aimed at actually producing excellent HTML output. Based on my experience with Webtex, I feel that I have a good idea of what needs to happen to really get that rolling. I do have this “day job” that I’m supposed to be doing, but I’m excited to see how far we can get in the next year!