2008 March 3
I’ve actually been back at work for about a week now but haven’t gotten back into the swing of keeping this up-to-date. But that will change!
The day is just starting, so I don’t have any progress to report right now, but here are the things I’d like to get done this week:
- Prepare for observations of HAT-P-2 on Friday night. I’d like to be able to track target exposure times and check how stable my PSF is, in real time. I have a bit of software put together to get started on this, but need to do a lot more.
- For my reading seminar on planet formation, I need to think about the viscous disk physics of Lynden-Bell & Pringle some more, since they seem to gloss over some very important points in their paper.
- Read up on the radio spectra of star- forming galaxies to get an idea of what I could do with ATA observations of them.
Sounds like a plan.