Reprocessing DASCH’s Astrometry

Yesterday I completed a large effort to reprocess all of DASCH’s astrometry. We now have astrometric solutions for 415,848 plates, and with this groundwork laid I plan to start working on reprocessing the full DASCH photometric database.

There were a couple of motivations for this reprocessing effort. The DASCH astrometric calibrations have been a bit of a mess, because the astrometric solutions were stored as WCS headers attached directly to the “mosaic” FITS files. This is absolutely the most obvious way to store this information, but I’d argue that it’s actually not a great approach from a data-management standpoint. In this scheme if you re-calibrate a mosaic, you need to rewrite the entire FITS file, opening up risks of data loss and confusion due to changing file contents. There’s also no clear way to, say, try a new calibration scheme and compare the results. You could see evidence of the inflexibility of this approach: the DASCH filesystem indicates a mosaic’s level of astrometric calibration in its filename (raw, “WW” for basic localization, “TNX” for distortion correction), and there were lots of mosaics where the filename was inconsistent with the actual FITS headers. There were also mosaics with very old calibrations using IRAF headers that I’ve never even seen before, as well as a few ones seemingly lingering from very early work (e.g., some files with a “W” tag in their name).

There were also a lot of files that looked like they should be easily solvable that were missing calibrations, in addition to ones with solutions that were bogus. The latter situation is documented on the DASCH website as the “Incorrect Astrometry” known issue, and it’s the one that bothered me the most. One of the great things about the Astrometry.Net software, which is the basis of DASCH’s astrometric solutions, is that it should virtually never produce false positives: if it hands you a solution, that solution is pretty much guaranteed to be pretty good. So, if the DASCH solutions include bogus ones, that means that the pipeline is starting with a decent Astrometry.Net solution and breaking it.

I dug into this issue and discovered that it seemed like the primary culprit was the stage of the DASCH astrometric pipeline that comes after Astrometry.Net. Once we get the initial solutions, we feed them into the WCSTools program imwcs, which attempts to refine the solutions. Unfortunately, imwcs uses a numerical optimizer but doesn’t have any conception of a global goodness-of-fit, which means that if the optimizer somehow converges on an incorrect solution, it’s very hard to step back and say “no, I don’t like where we ended up”. imwcs is also an extremely old tool written in gnarly C, so it’s challenging to improve the code.

I did end up creating a DASCH-specific fork of imwcs and modifying a few behaviors. For instance, imwcs optimizes to match the list of sources in your image against a set of catalog sources, which is constructed from a list of the brightest sources in an all-sky catalog in an RA/Dec box around your image’s initial position. This is fine most of the time, but in DASCH where some images are seventy degrees tall, a box in RA/Dec can be vastly bigger than the actual image area, so that downselecting to the brightest sources means that only a handful of reference sources are actually on your image. So, I added a step to limit the catalog results to ones that actually overlap the image’s initial position. (If your image is going to shift over a bit, this might mean that you miss out on a handful of sources that might be useful, but since we’re starting with an Astrometry.Net solution, we know that we’re starting very close to our destination, so the vast majority of useful sources will be covered by our initial guess of the image footprint.)

Another significant improvement wasn’t within imwcs itself, but related to the list of image sources fed into it. This list was derived from a SExtractor table in a pretty naive way, once again just selecting the brightest sources. This scheme could fail badly for plates with really inhomogeneous backgrounds, cracks, and other defects. Once again, you would end up with a source list that only included a handful of actual stars from the image, which is great way to get the optimizer to drive your solution somewhere unfortunate.

There were a lot of other small fixes as well, trying to improve the robustness of the pipeline. In the end, the success rate went from 94% to 97% — or, put another way, I was able to eliminate fully half of the solution failures. What I haven’t yet been able to look into is the number of incorrect solutions coming out of the new codebase. I think that it should be a lot lower thanks to the kinds of improvements I mentioned above, but it’s surprisingly hard to check into this quantitatively. For any given plate, it’s easy to identify a way-off solution by eye, but automating such an analysis to cover the full diversity of the DASCH collection — some plates contain 50 stars, some contain 200,000 — is a lot harder.

There are also borderline cases, often relating to plates with multiple exposures. A plate with multiple exposures doesn’t have “an” astrometric solution — it has a set of several solutions. Any given location on the plate has several different, valid RA/Dec coordinates, and a single RA/Dec position may appear at multiple pixel positions on the plate! As you might expect, this can get pretty gnarly to deal with. The DASCH pipeline works by starting with an initial list of all of the sources extracted from a plate image, and then peeling away the sources that match the catalog after the best astrometric calibration is arrived at. The remaining unmatched sources are then fed into Astrometry.Net again, and you iterate until Astrometry.Net stops finding solutions. (So, this process depends highly on Astrometry.Net’s lack of false positives!)

These plates can fail in a few hard-to-handle ways, though. Particularly tricky are the ones containing close multiple exposures, like A21562. If you have two exposures very close to one another, the imwcs optimizer is vulnerable to what I call the “split-the-difference” effect, where it converges to a solution that lands right between each source pair. In a least-squares sense this is indeed the optimal solution, but it’s incorrect. You can also get an effect where if, say, the source pairs are in the going in the left-right direction, the solution has a global skew where it’s bang-on for the left sources in the top-left of the plate, but bang-on for the right sources in the bottom-right of the plate. This one is even trickier to detect since you can have really high-quality matches across large areas of the plate — and since many plates have large-area defects, you can’t expect a plate to have high-quality solutions everywhere. All of these problems get even hairier for plates with many exposures, like C21253, which appears to contain 11 exposures in a tight spatial sequence.

As best I can see, these plates will need to be handled by some preprocessing. You could make a histogram of pixel separations for every pair of sources in an image, and then decompose the peaks to infer how many close-multiple exposures there are. (Not all multiple exposures are close: some plates have, say, one exposure on the celestial equator, and one at the pole.) For instance, if a plate has four exposures, you might find up to six peaks in the source-pair separation histogram: one for each pair of exposures. (But you might not find that many if peaks coincide; e.g., for a sequence of exposures with a roughly regular spacing on the plate.) You could potentially increase the power of the search by adding a delta-instrumental-magnitude axis to the histogramming process, since if you have a pair of exposures where one has half the duration of the other, the repeated source images should all appear fainter by a constant factor, modulo the nonlinearity of the photographic medium. All of this analysis could be done before any astrometric or photometric calibration, and then you could use it to filter down the source lists that you feed into Astrometry.Net and imwcs, hopefully preventing issues like split-the-difference. I’ve looked into all of this in a preliminary way, but unfortunately I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to really pursue this idea.

Anyway. Due to issues like the above, there might be more astrometric reprocessing in my future, but hopefully we’ve improved the baseline significantly. The updated astrometric database includes 415,848 solutions, and everything is based on Gaia DR2 via the ATLAS-REFCAT2 catalog. This project also got me to really straighten out my understanding of how to handle multiple-exposure plates, as well as some of the technical infrastructure surrounding them. They represent only a fraction of the corpus, but I think it’s important to deal with them properly.

The processing took a span of around 46 days all told, starting with a list of 428,416 mosaics. Over the course of that time I did a lot of work to speed the running of the pipeline, so that if I had to restart everything now, I think that I should be able to finish in 17 days or fewer. Fun fact: I only made one improvement to optimize the actual DASCH pipeline code, to fix some catastrophic failures where a certain step would sometimes take ~forever. Literally everything else was about making more optimal use of the Cannon cluster resources, which was enough to speed up my processing by a factor of five or more. It pays to understand your platform, folks! The biggest win there was making a change to avoid the Slurm scheduler as much as possible and use my own job-dispatching system instead. It’s a little disappointing, in a certain sense, to be able to beat the scheduler at its own game so badly, but on the other hand Slurm is definitely optimized for highly-parallel simulations, not lots of little interdependent data-processing jobs.

As a final point, these new astrometric solutions are not yet available in the DASCH data access services. As I mentioned at the outset, the legacy DASCH data organization just serves up whatever WCS headers are attached to each FITS image. The reprocessed approach stores the astrometric data separately, as small data packages that I’m calling “results”. Eventually, these results will be made available as their own data products, and the various data access services will combine the mosaic imagery and the astrometric results on-the-fly as appropriate. But, I need to write and deploy the code to do all of that. In the meantime, if you’re interested in the new solutions, get in touch.

Now that I have this new baseline of astrometry results, though, I can turn to the next step: reprocessing all of the photometry. Like the DASCH astrometric data, the DASCH photometric databases contain 18+ years of accumulated cruft, and I’m very eager to clean them out! I’ll also use the “result” framework to do a better job of exposing the photometric calibration data, which I expect to be very valuable for people who want to dig into the DASCH lightcurves in detail. In particular, I should finally be able to surface the information that indicates which plates use which emulsion, which is a super important quantity that we can’t actually pull out right now.

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Earlier: The Software Citation Station (Wagg & Broekgaarden 2024)

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