Slides for scientific talks in HTML

As a Linux user, I’ve long been making slides for my talks in LibreOffice Impress (formerly OpenOffice Impress), the Free Software clone of PowerPoint. I don’t envy anyone who’s trying to maintain compatibility with Microsoft Office products, but frankly Impress has been slow and frustrating and buggy, and my use of it has been grudging at best.

Recently, however, I encountered an unusually wonderful bug where graphics in EPS format showed up everywhere except on the screen for the actual presentation — I confidently started my talk and moved to my first science slide, only to find an empty black expanse, which most of my subsequent slides were as well. Everything was fine on my laptop. And I said to myself: effffff this.

Today I happen to be at Bucknell University, where I just gave a colloquium to an audience of mostly physics undergraduates. I hadn’t given a talk aimed at this kind of audience before, so I had to make a bunch of new slides anyway. So, early last week, I took the plunge and tried to see if I could prepare my slides using HTML and show them in Firefox.

Why HTML? Well, I really like the idea of having my slides being stored in text format, so I can version-control them, edit quickly, and so on. And crucially, web browsers are now sophisticated enough that you can make great-looking slides in them — I don’t think this was true five years ago. It also seems really cool to have the option of embedding YouTube videos, Flash animations, interactive JavaScript demos, and all that kind of stuff. I didn’t do much of that in this talk, but I did put in a bunch of movies, which I’d never dared to do with Impress.

The experiment was a resounding success. I found a framework, reveal.js, that made it easy to prepare the slides and supported a few features that are pretty vital for scientific talks:

It took some time to get the appearance to be how I wanted and to figure out how best to construct slide layouts, but all told it wasn’t too bad. I loved being able to edit and rearrange my slides efficiently, and I’m very happy with the aesthetic appearance of the final product.

I put the presentation source code on GitHub so you can see how I did it. I did devise a few new tricks (such as working out how to embed PDFs), but most of the work was just using the stock reveal.js toolkit and tweaking the styling. Here’s a live, online version of the talk so you can see how it looks.

I wrote up some more detailed notes on the repository README. To be honest, this approach probably isn’t right for most astronomers — most astronomers have Mac laptops with Keynote, which is a lot better than Impress. And I needed to draw on a lot of technical background in order for the slide construction to feel “easy”. But once I got the template set up, it was quick and fun to make slides, and now here’s a template that you can use too!

Big thanks to Hakim El Hattab for making and publishing reveal.js, as well as to the authors of the various CSS/JavaScript tools I used. It was kind of incredible how easy it was to achieve some fancy, beautiful effects.

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Later: Flashy interactive graphics in a scientific talk, realized

Earlier: Prosser & Grankin, CfA Preprint 4539: A Bibliographic Story

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