We'll start by importing standard packages. omega
is a personal plotting package that I've written (matplotlib
is ugly); since nobody else has it, I've made it optional. Plotting the results in matplotlib
should be easy too.
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve
import omega as om, omega.ipynbInteg, omega.pango
omega.pango.setFont (size=12, family='Linux Biolinum O')
have_omega = True
except ImportError:
have_omega = False
I'm going to assume that you've read some tutorials on what Gaussian processes actually are. If so, you've probably seen that the key characteristic of a Gaussian process is the covariance matrix that it generates, which is derived from some “kernel”. The squared-exponential kernel is a pretty straightforward one taking two parameters scale. Given the properties of a particular sample (sample locations x, uncertainty per data point u), we can compute the covariance matrix thus:
def sqexp_kernel (a, s, r):
return a * np.exp (-0.5 * (r / s)**2)
def gp_cov (kernel, x, u):
# "kernel" is a one-parameter GP kernel function; we can
# derive it from (e.g.) sqexp_kernel using a Python
# lambda expression.
# Matrix of separations: r[i,j] = x[j] - x[i]
r = x[np.newaxis,:] - x[:,np.newaxis]
return kernel (r) + np.diag (u)
(It can be a bit confusing since we're using a Gaussian-looking equation to generate a Gaussian covariance matrix. Other Gaussian-process kernels have the covariance scale with separation differently: \(1/r\) rather than \(\exp(-r^2)\), say.)
Every says “Oh, the first thing you should do is draw some samples from your process to get a feel for it,” but no one ever actually makes it clear how to do this! Maybe it's just me but I had to do some research to find out.
Looking at sqexp_cov
above, it seems like we can choose a dense mesh in x and compute a covariance matrix. Then we somehow need to generate some random data that “obey” that matrix. It turns out that there are some basic statistical laws that make this easy. (I learned the following from StackExchange — I should learn some real stats!) Say we have a random vector \(\vec r\) drawn from a multidimensional Gaussian characterized by mean \(\vec \mu_r\) and covariance \(C_r\). For some matrix \(A\), we can compute the product \(\vec s = A \vec r\). It is true that
\[\qquad \vec \mu_s = A \vec \mu_r\]
\[\qquad C_s = A C_r A^T.\]
How does this help us generate a correlated noise vector “obeying” some covariance matrix \(C\)? Say we have some \(\vec r\) with zero mean, unit variance, and zero covariance — which is easy to generate. From the above, we see that we can create something obeying \(C\) by finding \(A\) such that \(A A^T = C\). Such an \(A\) happens to be the the Cholesky decomposition of \(C\), which is well-trodden numerical ground. In Python:
def corr_noise (cov):
uncorr_noise = np.random.normal (size=cov.shape[0])
return np.dot (np.linalg.cholesky (cov), uncorr_noise)
So let's create a Gaussian process covariance matrix and sample it a few times. One subtlety is that the covariance matrix is positive definite only if the per-sample uncertainties are positive, so we have to use a small-but-nonzero vector for u in sqexp_cov
x = np.linspace (0, 10, 300)
kern = lambda r: sqexp_kernel (1., 1., r)
cov = gp_cov (kern, x, 1e-9 * np.ones_like (x))
if have_omega:
p = om.RectPlot ()
for i in xrange (10):
p.addXY (x, corr_noise (cov), None, dsn=0)
p.show (dims=(400,300))
Hooray! That looks like a thing.
So far, so good. But we haven't dealt with any observed data yet! That seems like an important thing to work on.
When people model data using a Gaussian process, they often end up showing a plot of wiggly lines interpolating between the data points, with the lines getting wigglier between the measurements because the constraints are poorer there. Interpolation in the context of a Gaussian-process model is apparently called kriging, after this guy. We can operate in a regime called “simple kriging” where the analysis is pretty straightforward. We're doing a linear interpolation, so fundamentally we're computing
\[ \qquad y_i(x_i) = \vec w(x_i,x_o) \cdot \vec y_o, \]
where w is some weighting vector, the subscript i stands for “interpolated,” and o for “observed”. In simple kriging,
\[ \qquad \vec w = C_o^{-1} \: \vec c, \]
where \(C_o^{-1}\) is the inverse covariance matrix of the observed data and \(c\) is a sort of “covariance vector”: \(c_j\) is the expected covariance between the j'th measurement and the interpolant at \(x_i\). In the Gaussian process formalism, \(\vec c\) is easily computed from the Gaussian process kernel.
There's also a nice expression to compute the expected variance of the kriging interpolant at a given location:
\[ \qquad \sigma^2_i(x_i) = c_0 - \vec c^T \: C_o^{-1} \: \vec c, \]
where \(c_0\) is the covariance kernel evaluated for \(r = 0\). (“Autocovariance”?)
So let's put together some tools to do this computation:
def krige_one (data_x, data_y, cov, kernel, interp_x):
# "covariance vector"
cvec = kernel (interp_x - data_x)
# weight vector
cinv = np.linalg.inv (cov)
wt = np.dot (cinv, cvec)
# interpolant and its std.dev.
interp_y = np.dot (wt, data_y)
interp_u = np.sqrt (kernel (0) - np.dot (cvec, wt))
return interp_y, interp_u
def krige (data_x, data_y, cov, kernel, interp_x):
"""This interpolates for a vector of X values all at once.
Looking at the notation above, you could imagine x_i being
a vector rather than a scalar. Below we need to do a few
transposes to get the matrix math to work out from Numpy's
point of view; above we were able to be a bit sloppy since
the difference between row vectors and column vectors
wasn't relevant."""
di_cov = kernel (data_x[:,np.newaxis] - interp_x[np.newaxis,:])
cinv = np.linalg.inv (cov)
wt = np.dot (cinv, di_cov)
interp_y = np.dot (wt.T, data_y)
interp_cov = kernel (0) - np.dot (di_cov.T, wt)
return interp_y, interp_cov
Let's demonstrate.
# The underlying signal -- there's a trend described by a Gaussian
# process, but no measurement error.
true_x = np.linspace (0, 10, 300)
true_kern = lambda r: sqexp_kernel (1., 1., r)
true_cov = gp_cov (true_kern, true_x, 1e-9 * np.ones_like (true_x))
true_y = corr_noise (true_cov)
# The data -- samples of the signal, plus noise.
w = np.asarray ([30, 75, 150, 155, 210, 240, 255])
data_x = true_x[w]
data_u = 0.02 * np.ones_like (data_x)
data_y = true_y[w] + np.random.normal (scale=data_u)
data_cov = gp_cov (true_kern, data_x, data_u)
# Our best guess of the underlying signal given the noisy measurements.
interp_x = true_x
interp_y, interp_cov = krige (data_x, data_y, data_cov,
true_kern, interp_x)
interp_u = np.sqrt (np.diag (interp_cov))
if have_omega:
p = om.quickXYErr (data_x, data_y, data_u, 'Data', lines=False)
p.addXY (true_x, true_y, 'True')
p.addXY (interp_x, interp_y, u'GP interp, 1σ')
p.addXY (interp_x, interp_y + interp_u, None, dsn=2,
lineStyle={'dashing': [2, 2]})
p.addXY (interp_x, interp_y - interp_u, None, dsn=2,
lineStyle={'dashing': [2, 2]})
p.show ()