August 18, 2003

madison weekend


i went to madison last weekend. wish i could have seen more of you but it was limited time as it was! p.s. jamie: how did i manage to not take your picture? i must have got confused when you were taking pictures of my camera so you could show pat.


bus trips aren't so boring when you randomly run into people from chadbourne! here's amy and greg, and i am happy as ever to exchange stories and stuff. i swear, if you lived in chadbourne you are destined to run into those same people for, like, ever, which is actually kind of a cool thing.


nicki nicki! lookin' sharp with her super-blondness and spiffy glasses. but you live in st. paul now, oh so far away! at least i got to see you while you were helping your sister move in.


hey, doesn't that black dog on the terrace look totally dead? i swear it went the half hour i was watching it sans movement but the eye was open.

Posted by char at August 18, 2003 06:17 PM

muhahaha! Yes, you DID forget to take my picture! By taking pictures of your camera with MY camera, I successfully distracted you (and your camera) enough so that I could avoid having my picture taken by YOUR camera, although I now have pictures of YOUR camera ON my camera! Wait...did that make sense?

No matter! I can still remain in anonymity from the rest of the world (or at least from the other people who visit this.)

*runs back to anonymity*

Posted by: Jamie at August 19, 2003 04:46 PM