August 07, 2003

all dressed up...


...and nowhere to go. thanks to a shopping expedition to woodfield mall in illinois, i got this fabulous ralph lauren dress (thanks to jen for being a savvy fashion advisor!).


jen also hooked me up with a jazzy hello kitty phone-thingy, which lights up like a rave in my purse when the phone rings. also a lot of fun, but only when i get calls (hint, hint)!

hey, speaking of shopping trips, you know where i want to go? i couldn't sleep last night (what a surprise) so i was watching after-midnight pbs, which is a potpourri of weirdness, and they had some show about tourist bargain buys. there's this one place in scottsboro, alabama called the Unclaimed Baggage Center, and you can rummage through lots of people's stuff: palm pilots, clothes, cameras, whatever, and buy what you want. The best part is, you can wonder at what made the person decide to leave their luggage there. Maybe some of them died, or maybe it was somehow the airline's fault, but does anyone really FORGET their baggage?

Anyways, anyone want to go down there with me sometime?

Posted by char at August 7, 2003 05:08 PM

YES, let's go.. I wanted to take a road trip.. and I am jumping @ the chance... woo me!

Posted by: Carolyn at August 11, 2003 05:06 PM